TD Small Business

My team and I placed first in the 2018 uXperience Hackathon, sponsored by TD Labs and Deloitte Digital. We were challenged to create a system that made banking with TD more appealing to small business customers, motivating them to consolidate their finances with TD. For this project, my focus was designing the app and its ecosystem. I helped decide what features would be offered and design the user interface.

Project by Liam Dunn Kelly, Grace Ma, Greg Magarelli, Elizabeth Tam, & Emily Yang

UX Designer, Researcher
uXperience Hackathon
Product Design


The Challenge

"How might we reward small business banking customers for their ongoing business and relationship so that they are incentivized to motivate them to centralize financial-related tasks with TD?"

From this prompt, my team and I focused in on two key insights we gained through our research:

  • Small business owners are isolated. There's often not much of a community, and it's easy to find yourself flying blind with no outside guidance.

  • Small business owners are intimidated by banks. Owners may not be financially literate, and there's a disconnect between the scales of these businesses, looking at the bank as an adversary rather than ally.

The Solution

Our solution is an app focused on growing business owner financial literacy and creating a strong supportive community with local small businesses using gamification features.

The app is designed to provide tasks for a new business owner can complete in order to further establish their business, getting them familiar with the TD banking ecosystem, and creating a more comfortable relationship between them and their bank. The more tasks they are able to complete, the more insights they are able to see about their local business community, allowing them to benchmark their growth as a company. It also provides mentorship opportunities through a moderated Q+A board, and local events to help build financial and business literacy. 


The Result

For getting first place, my team and I were invited to present out product and TD's Toronto office during their December Demo Day, where the entire company could come see the solution we built. Senior designers and directors were able to give us advice directly and it was an incredible experience


Strategy Research - Jamaican Canadian Association


Identity Design - Hearth Magazine